Section 1.

There shall be a Council for the Society that will serve from one Symposium to the next. It shall be composed of the following officers:

  1. President
  2. First Vice-President (Symposium)
  3. Second Vice-President (Fund Raising)
  4. Secretary/Treasurer
  5. Councillor - Publications
  6. Councillor - Past President
  7. Councillor – Africa (West and Central)
  8. Councillor – Africa (East and South)
  9. Councillor - South and South East Asia
  10. Councillor - East Asia
  11. Councillor - South Pacific
  12. Councillor - Latin America
  13. Councillor - North America and Europe
  14. Councillor - Caribbean

Section 2.

Nomination and election of Council officers. The Council shall present to the General Meeting a slate of nominees for the new Council from among members of the Society attending the Symposium.

The slate of nominees shall be for the offices of President, Second Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and Councillor for Publications. Other nominations, duly seconded can be submitted in writing or electronically to the Secretary/Treasurer, to be in his/her hand not less than two days before the Symposium. Nominees, proposers and seconders should all be existing members of the Society. The nominated person should attend the Symposium. It will be the responsibility of the Secretary/Treasurer to inform existing members of the requirement for nominations not less than two weeks before the Symposium

The General Meeting shall elect the new Council from among all nominees by a simple majority ballot vote. The Chairman of the Organising Committee of the next Symposium shall be appointed as First Vice-President. Councillors representing regions or regional branches of the Society shall be elected by their respective ISTRC branches or by Society members attending the Symposium from a region.

Names of elected regional councillors should be communicated to the Secretary/Treasurer at least two days before the General Meeting. Such councillors do not have to be in attendance at the Symposium. The right for electing a representative from a region, shall be in effect even if another person from the same region is elected for the Council.

Section 3.

The Council shall be empowered to replace any one of its members who resigns for any reason or if the member proves to be inactive for a year or more for any reason other than those beyond his/her control. Any member of the Council can make a recommendation to replace one of its inactive members in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer and the Council shall decide on such recommendation by a simple majority vote of those responding to a postal/electronic ballot.