Section 1.

Membership shall be open to any person or organisation interested in the objectives of the Society.

Section 2.

There shall be four types of membership:

  1. Ordinary: Individuals interested in promoting the objectives of the Society.
  2. Student: University and schools or agriculture students who are interested in promoting the objectives of the Society.
  3. Sustaining: Institutions and organisations interested in promoting the objectives of the Society.
  4. Life: Ordinary members who pay a subscription fee for life; which may also be given to individuals selected by the General Meeting of the Society in recognition of their distinguished services to the Society.

Section 3.

Subscription. Dues for the different types of membership will be established during the Symposium by the Council and approved by the General Meeting. Membership shall be suspended automatically, without notice, upon failure of a member to pay Society's dues by or during the triennial Symposium and will only be restored after all outstanding arrears have been settled. Subscription fees shall be paid by members for three years in advance.

Section 4.

Membership privileges. All members who attend the General Meeting of the Society have voting rights and can be elected for the Society's Council. Sustaining members can cast only one vote but are not eligible for election to the Council.

Members are entitled to receive free of charge the Society's Newsletter and all communications other than the proceedings of the Symposium, which will be given free of charge to those who have paid registration fees for the Symposium. A reduction will be given to ISTRC members.