Subject: Utilization

211. Section 4 Contents

212. The utilizations of "bitter" potatoes in the cold tropics of Latin America
J.A. Christinasen and N.R. Thompson

215. Cassava usilization in agro-industrial systems
D.J. McCann

221. The allocative efficiency of Fijian root crop producers
S. Chandra and A.J. De Boer

226. The importance of cassva processing in the economy of Columbia
Hugo Valdes Sanchez

228. A profile of Thai cassava production practices
Truman P. Phillips

232. The prophylactic action of cassava

237. The toxic efffect of cassava on human thyroid
F. Delange, P. Bourdoux, M. Camus, M. Gerard, M. Mafuta, A.Hanson and A.M. Ermans

242. Utilization of cassava as a carbohydrate source for pigs
V.F.Hew and R.I. Hutagulung

246. Use of cassava as a food supplement for broiler chicks
Sarote Khajarern and Jowaman M. Khajarern

250. Protein enrichment of cassava by fermentation with microfungi and the role of natural nitrogenous supplements
G. Varghese, J.J. Thambirajah and F.M. Wong

255. Utilization of nutritionally improved cassava in poultry and pig diets
R.I. Hutagalung and P.H. Tan

262. Utilization of cassava-based dierts in swine feeding
Guilllermo G. Gómez, Carlos Camancho and Jerome H. Maner

267. Establishment of a pilot plant for the production of fungal protein from cassava
K.F. Gregory, A.G. Meiering, F.A. Azi, J.A.D. Sedgwick, J.D. Cunningham, S.J.Maclean, J.Santos-Núñez and G. Gómez

270. Lipase activity and the conversion of fat to carbohydrate in cassava
Frederick Nartey

274. A system of food delivery from root crops
T.O.M. Nakayama, James H. Moy and Jose L.F. da Fonesca

275. Mechinization of yam and sweet potato production in Barbados
J.P.W. Jeffers

277. Summary of Discussions
Truman P. Phillips