Subject: Basic Productivity

Contents of Section 2

70. Productivity of root crops [pdf 935Kb]
R. S. Loomis and H. Rapoport

84. Total dry matter production, tuber yield, and yield components of six local cassava cultivars in Trinidad [pdf 326Kb]
E. B. Holmes and L. A. Wilson

89. Effect of soil compaction on leaf number and area, and tuber yield of White Lisbon yam [pdf 303Kb]
Theodore U. Ferguson and Frank A. Gumbs

94. The Mukibat system of cassava production [pdf 275Kb]
T. S. Dharmaputra and G. H. de Bruijn

98. Undersowing cassava with stylo grown under coconut [pdf 359Kb]
I. M. Nitis and M. Suarna

104. Effect of potassium on tuber yield and nutrient uptake of yams [pdf 248Kb]
G. O. Obigbesan, A. A. Agboola, and A. A. A. Fayemi

107. Effect of potassium and sulfur on growth, yield, and composition of cassava [pdf 414Kb]
A. G. N. Ngongi, R. Howeler, and H. A. MacDonald

113. The interaction of lime with minor elements and phosphorus in cassava production [pdf 287Kb]
R. H. Howeler, L. F. Cadavid, and F. A. Calvo

117. Phosphorus requirement of three sweet potato cultivars [pdf 192Kb]
C. J. Rendle and B. T. Kang

122. Effect of farm yard manure and NPK on cassava [pdf 167Kb]
C. R. Mohan Kumar, R. C. Mandal, G. M. Nair, and N. Hrishi

124. Mineral nutrition of cassava and adaptation to low fertility conditions [pdf 402Kb]
D. G. Edwards, C. J. Asher, and G. L. Wilson

131. Characteristics of indigenous and introduced cultivars of cassava in Guyana [pdf 340Kb]
A. H. Wahab

137. Cassava research in Nigeria before 1972 [pdf 284Kb]
E. E. Umanah

142. Production of cassava foliage [pdf 127Kb]
A. Montaldo and J. J. Montilla

143. The effect of various levels of cassava leaf meal in boiler chicken rations [pdf 182Kb]
J.J.Montilla, R. Vargas, and A. Montaldo

146. Sweet potato production, handling, curing, storage, and marketing in North Carolina [pdf 346Kb]
L. G. Wilson, C. W. Averre, and H. M. Covington

150. Sweet potato production in Hawaii [pdf 126Kb]
J.S. Tanaka and T.T. Sekioka

151. IBPGR and FAO programs for the collection of crop germ plasm and its long-term conservation [pdf 122Kb]
J. T. Sykes

152. Summary of Discussions [pdf 82Kb]
Rapporteur: James Cock
Discussion Leaders: James Cock, Brown Enyi and Bede Okigbo