Subject: Origin, dispersal and evolution

Contents of Section 1

20. Origin, evolution and dispersal of root and tuber crops [pdf 1.1Mb]
Jorge Leon

36. Giant swamp taro, a little-known Asian-Pacific food crop [pdf 325Kb]
Donald L. Plucknett

40. A review of sexual propagation for yam improvement [pdf 313Kb]
Sidki Sadik

44. Selected yam varieties for the tropics [pdf 409Kb]
Franklin W. Martin

50. Preliminary results on the adaptation of cultivated potatoes to the lowland tropics [pdf 257Kb]
H. A. Mendoza

53. Sweet potato breeding using wild related species [pdf 309Kb]
Masashi Kobayashi and Tsukasa Miyazaki

58. Vegetative and sexual management in food yam production [pdf 334Kb]
L. Degras

62. Sweet potato clones adapted for Libyan agriculture [pdf 256Kb]
Warid A. Warid, Boleid W.Dahmani, and Moshab M. Kushad

65. Summary of Discussions [pdf 125Kb]
Rapporteur: D. Plucknett
Discussion Leaders: D. Plucknett, D.G. Coursey and F. Martin