Subject: Aroids


91. Herbicidal Weed Control in Tannia Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) [pdf 212Kb]
L. Abasi and I.C. Onwueme

97. Water Use and Efficiency in Lowland Taro Production [pdf 284Kb]
R.S. de la Pena and F.M. Melchor

103. Effect of Some Intercrops on Taro [pdf 211Kb]
P. Sivan

109. The Potential of Taro in some South Pacific Islands [pdf 343Kb]
J.K Wang, J.R. Carpenter, and R.S. de la Pena


115. Morphological and Anatomical Changes of the Keladi Cina (Colocasia esculenta) Plant in the Vegetative and Flowering Stages [pdf 243Kb]
F. D. Ghani

121. Anatomy and Histochemistry of Taro Seed [pdf 243Kb]
D.C. Scheirer and M.S. Strauss

125. Anatomy and Histochemistry of Taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, Leaves [pdf 243Kb]
B.D. Stein, M.S. Strauss, and D.C. Scheirer

131. Flowering Behavior in Colocasia gigantea Hook. f. (Abstract only)
B.P. Naiola, S. Danimihardja, and Hartati-Imamuddin


133. Salt Tolerant Tissue of Taro: Selection and Constituents [pdf 598Kb]
L.P. Nyman, C.J. Gonzales, and J. Arditti

143. Breeding Strategies for Controlling Diseases of Taro in Solomon Islands [pdf 365Kb]
M.Z. Patel, J. Saelea, and G.V.H. Jackson

151. Promotion of Flowering, Seed Production and Seedling Screening in Minor Edible Aroids [pdf 343Kb]
J.E. Wilson and W.J. Cable

Food Quality and Chemical Composition

157. Evidence of Proteolytic Enzyme Activity in Taro, Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott [pdf 113Kb]
R.S. de la Pena and J.R. Pardales Jr.

161. Starch Distribution in Cocoyam (Xanthosoma spp.) Corms and Cormels [pdf 174Kb]
S.K. O'Hair, R.B. Volin, and M.P. Asokan

165. Variability in Taro, Colocasia esculenta Starches: Size, Gelation, and Amylose Content [pdf 237Kb]
M.S. Strauss, and G.J.L. Griffin

171. Dry Matter Distribution and Root Proliferation in Taro (Abstract only)
M. Asghar and W.J. Cable

171. Studies on Coleus Starch (Abstract only)
S.N. Moorthy

Plant Protection

173. Studies on Root-Rot Disease of Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) in Cameroon caused by Pythium myriotylum. Some Aspects of Epidemiology and Control Measures [pdf 332Kb]
S. Nzietchueng

181. Rhabdovirus Infection of Taro, Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, from Papua New Guinea: Comparison of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Material [pdf 308Kb]
M.S. Strauss


187. Germination and Storage Behavior of Seed of Colocasia gigantea Hook. f. (Abstract only)
J. Hanson and H. Imamuddin

Propogation and Tissue Culture

189. Effect of Presence of the Terminal Bud, and Size and Type of Sectioning of the Corm on Propagation of New Cocoyam [pdf 294Kb]
J. Soto and J. Arze