Subject: Invitational Papers and General Topics

3. Presidential Address: Tropical Root Crops in the Eighties [pdf 313Kb]
D.L. Plucknett

9. Root Crops in Developing Countries - An Economic Appraisal [pdf 1.6Mb]
D. Horton, J. Lynam, and H. Knipscheer

41. Tropical Root Crop Statistics: A world Perspective [pdf 288Kb]
S. Chandra

47. Developing Scientific Manpower for Root and Tuber Crops Research and Extension [pdf 322Kb]
C. Dominguez, F. Fernandez, and M. Pina Jr

55. Progress on Root and Tuber Improvement at IITA [pdf 222Kb]
S.K. Hahn

59. The Disease Disposition of Tuber Crops as Compared to other Annual Crops [pdf 297Kb]
R. Delhey

67. The Potential for Producing Root and Tuber Crops from Seed [pdf 598Kb]
P.M. Harris

81. The Origins and History of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops [pdf 445Kb]
D.G. Coursey