Subject: Sweet potato

462. Sweet potato research : global issues
P. Gregory, M. Iwanaga and D. Horton

469. Tuberization in diploid Iponoea trifida from Citatah, West Java, Indonesia
G. Hambali

473. Characterization of sweet potato clones by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
M. Villagarcia

482. Extraction, purification and restriction endonuclease analysis of chloroplast DNA from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) and related species
R. L. Jarret, A. Lara and C. Okubo

482. Yield of true seed planting sweet potato
S. Sakamoto and O. Yamakawa

483. Inheritance mode of starch contents in Ipomoea batatas
I. Tarumoto, H. Ishikawa and S. Kato

483. Current progress of sweet potato breeding in Japan
H. Kukimura, K. Komaki and M. Yoshinaga

484. Pentaploids in sweet potato and their prospective role in sweet potato improvement
K. V. Bai

491. Breeding leaf scab resistant sweet potatoes in Tonga
J. E. Wilson, P. Taufatofua, F. S. Pole and N. E. J. M. Smit

500. Conditions of sweet potato development in Vietnam : selection and creation of new varieties
M. T. Hoanh

507. Role of hormonal and enzymatic activities to sink potential of storage root in sweet potato
M. Nakatani, M. Komeichi and Y. Watanabe

515. Effects of photoperiod and light intensity on growth and storage root production of sweet potatoes
C. K. Bonsi, P. A. Loretan, W. A. Hill, C. R. Ogbuehi and C. E. Morris

520. Effect of water stress on yield indices of sweet potatoes
I. J. Ekanayake, P. Malagamba and D. J. Midmore

528. Effect of growth regulators on growth and yield of sweet potatoes
Y. Ota, A. Sajjapongse and M. H. Wu

529. Investigation on the effect of some climatic factors on sweet potato yield
A. Sajjapongse and M. H. Wu

529. Effect of population density of maize as intercrop on growth and yield of sweet potato
J. Wargiono and E. Tuherkih

530. Path analysis and correlation studies in sweet potato grown under coconut palms
R. O. M. Mwanga and O. B. Zamora

530. Rooting of sweet potato cuttings under conditions of stress
F. W. Martin

537. Biochemical aspects of phytoalexins in sweet potato
I. Uritani

543. Development of a sex pheromone monitoring system for sweet potato weevil management
R. K. Janson and R.R.Health

552. Integrated control of sweet potato weevil
N. S. Talekar

558. Performance of two pathogen-tested sweet potato cultivars in Tonga
A. Mason, P. Taufatufua and P. Beetham

564. Nitrogen use efficiency and associative N-Fixation of six sweet potato cultivars
W. A. Hill, H. W. Dodo, S. K. Hahn, K. Mulongony and W. Adeyeye

564. Study on intercropping sweet potato with selected grain legumes grown in Sri Lanka
K. P. Premaratne and G.S.Premachandra

565. Alleviating some agronomic problems of sweet potato under farmers conditions in East Java
Y. Widodo, Koeshartoyo, Sunaridi, Antarlina and S. Brotonegoro

573. Sweet potato on-farm research in East Java
N. Basuki and S. Brotonegoro

579. Variability in sweet potato germplasm for food quality characteristics
W. W. Collins

584. Postharvest characteristics of different sweet potato genotypes produced from the sweet potato breeding program in the Philippines
E. S. Data, L. S. Palomar, P. S. Eronico and L S. Estoy

589. Formulation, consumer acceptability and nutrient content of non-alcoholic beverages from sweet potato
T. Van Den and G. B. Fementira

600. Development of small scale technology for dehydrated sweet potato cubes for traditional food preparations
T. Van Den, R. C. Guarte, L. S. de la Rosa, P. F. Cerna, I. C. Tabianan and A. C. Dignos

600. Utilization of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) flour in South Indian dishes
M. A. Seralatham and A. S. Thirumaran

601. Ways of eating sweet potatoes in Japan
B. Duell

609. Sweet potatoes for space missions: a new approach for marketing
W. A. Hill, C. K. Bonsi, P. A. Loretan, C. E. Morris, R. D. Pace and J. Y. Lu

614. Utilizing weevil-infested sweet potato root meal in broiler rations
B.B. Cocjin