Subject: Invitational papers and general topics

8. Past civilizations, present world needs, and future potential: root crop agriculture across the ages
R. Rhoades and D. Horton

20. Technological advances and potential of root and tuber crops in Africa
I.C. Onwueme

32. The move from subsistence to cash cropping: technical advances and potential of tropical root and tuber crops
S.P. Ghosh

44. Cassava production/utilization and social change: the role of cassava in bringing positive change to African households
N. D. Hahn

61. Meeting the demands for the future: cassava in convenience foods
A. El-Dash and Y. Chang

76. The role of the international agricultural research centres in generating and transfering root and tuber crop post-harvest technology: CIAT's experience
R. Best

92. Significant factors contributing to the success of the Thai cassava industry
B. Titapiwatanakun