Subject: Yams and Ariods

36. Prospects for Controlling Anthracnose (Colletotrichum loeosporioides) in Yams [pdf 104Kb]
K. R. Green and S. A. Simons

37. Storability of Yam Tubers Harvested at Different Maturities [pdf 12Kb]
E. Ruth, V. Bayogan, and O. K. Bautista

38. Using Plant Extracts to Control Sprouting of Yam Tubers During Storage [pdf 13Kb]
M. A. Quevedo

39. Processing Yams (Discorea dumetorum) for Infant Foods [pdf 14Kb]
I. L. Mbome

40. Labour Productivity and Sustainable Yam Production in Nigeria [pdf 76Kb]
N. O. A. Ezeh, E. B. Akpakpan, and R. S. Moro

41. Clamping Cocoyams to Promote Wound Healing and Resistance to Impact-Induced Damage, and to Improve Storability of Corms [pdf 19Kb]
M. R. Bikomo

42. Modifying Native Starch of Xanthosoma violaceum by Cross-Linking [pdf 62Kb]
F. Pereira and G. Nieto