Subject: HarvestPlus: Breeding Roots and Tubers for Better Nutrition

  1. HarvestPlus: A Global Research Alliance [pdf 206Kb]
    Dr J.V., Meenakshi, Impact and Policy Coordinator, HarvestPlus.
  2. The needs and focus of human nutrition research and biofortification (Minerals, Provitatmin A) [pdf 122Kb]
    Dr Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark.
  3. Breeding for nutritional quality in cassava – Research emerging from CIAT, IITA and EMBRAPA [pdf 246Kb]
    Dr Hernan Ceballos, CIAT, Colombia.
  4. Orange Fleshed Sweetpotato – New Advances [pdf 116Kb]
    Dr Wolfgang Grunenburg, International Potato Center, Peru.
  5. Impact on vitamin A intake and young child nutritional status through the introduction of a food based approach using orange-fleshed sweetpotato in rural Mozambique [pdf 206Kb]
    Dr By Jan Low, Mary Arimond, Nadia Osman, Benedito Cunguara, Felipe Zano, and David Tschirley
  6. Reaching and Engaging End Users with OFSP: Learning lessons for Dissemination in Uganda and Mozambique [pdf 286Kb]
    Prof Andrew Westby, National Resources Institute, UK.